How much and how often should I feed my puppy?
You should feed your puppy 3 times per day until they are 6 months old, at 6 months of age they are typically done the majority of their major growth and can start being fed twice a day. Start out by feeding your puppy 2-3% of their expected adult weight divided into 3 meals. For example if your puppy is going to weigh around 50 pounds, feed one pound per day divided into 3 meals. If you do not know how big your puppy is going to be, start with feeding 10% of their current body weight (for puppies under 5 months) and adjust according to body condition. You should be able to feel your puppies ribs with the palm of your hand but their hip bones should not be protruding. This is very important! It is so much healthier for your puppy to be a good weight (not too pudgy) while they are growing, overfeeding causes a lot of extra strain on a puppies' vulnerable, growing joints.
What should I feed my puppy?
The first week you bring your puppy home, ideally you can get a sample of what the breeder has been feeding and continue with that for the first week. It is a very big change for puppies when they first come home, not only is it mentally stressful (which in itself often causes digestive upset) there is also a lot of new environmental things (like different bacteria) for their body to adjust to. After the first week home and they are settled in, start with something fully ground and low fat, chicken meal is usually the best choice. Stick with feeding the same thing for several days and when you feel confident that they are having no digestive issues, start adding variety. Start slowly and build up to feeding a variety of proteins. Variety is very important when feeding a raw food diet in order to make sure your puppy is getting all the nutrition they need, feed at least 4 protein sources and ensure that at least 1/3 of their diet is red meat.
Can I feed my puppy bones?
Once your puppy is eating a variety of protein sources you can introduce meaty bones into their diet. Chicken backs are the best to start with as they are soft, have lots of meat on them and are a good shape to encourage a puppy to thoroughly chew. Once your puppy has mastered chicken backs you can add in other bones, being caeful not to feed too many bones at once or multiple meal in a row as this will cause constipation and an over abundance of calcium. If your puppy likes bones and you enjoy feeding bones, you can switch your puppy to a diet of half meaty bones and half raw meaty bone balancer when they are done teething (I suggest waiting until after teething as eating bones can be difficult if their gums are painful and/or they don't have many teeth.)
What supplements should I give my puppy?
I always suggest adding fish oil to a puppies diet (and continuing as an adult), essential fatty acids are an essential building block for brain, eye, skin and cell health as well as an anti inflammatory. Fish oils are far superior for dogs compared to a vegetable oil, as dogs have to convert vegetable oils in to a usable form and they end up losing a large portion of the omega fatty acids in this process. Fish oils also tend to be significantly higher in omega 3 fatty acids instead of omega 6 fatty acids. Omega 6 fatty acids are already plentiful in a raw food diet, especially if you are feeding chicken. Other than fish oil there aren't any supplements that are needed, as long as you are feeding a variety of proteins and balanced meals (our ground foods all contain appropriate amounts of meat, bones and organs.)
What treats should I give my puppy?
For training treats, use something that is soft and easy to break apart. Remember if you are doing a lot of training, you may need to cut back on their food a little. Also keep in mind that a lot of training treats can be pretty rich, if your puppy has an upset stomach, too many treats may be the culprit. For longer lasting treats you can use hard biscuit type treats and chews such as bully sticks. You can also fill and freeze kongs with their raw food portion to keep them entertained for a little while. knuckle bones can also provide a good amount of chewing exercise for a puppy, take the bone away and put it back in the freezer for future use after about 30 minutes of chewing.
If you have any questions, we are always here to help! Feel free to give us a call, send us an email or message us on facebook. Don't forget to take lots of pictures and enjoy your puppy!
For a high quality, affordable, hormone and steroid free raw diet for your pet, check out our store!
(Calgary, AB and area)